May your dreams be free of killing
May your mind be free of duty
May your heart be free of sorrow
May your sleep be calm
Sleep my witchers
Dream of home
I know you paid a dire cost
Dream of friendships
Broken bonds
Dream of all that you have lost
May your dreams be free of killing
May your mind be free of duty
May your heart be free of sorrow
May your sleep be calm
Sleep my witchers
Dream of peace
Of all the lives your work will save
Dream of children
Normal lives
Only in dreams all you lost you will have
May your dreams be free of killing
May your mind be free of duty
May your heart be free of sorrow
May your sleep be calm
Kołysanka wiedźmińska napisana na larp WitcherSchool w wersji międzynarodowej. Wiedźmin jest kreacją A. Sapkowskiego.
Muzyka i tekst Barbara Karlik CC-BY-SA