The sun is shining C G
and the birds are singing a F
The waves of the sea
make sweet love to the sand
I think of you fondly
And I want you to know
That I miss you like Durdin missed a threesome C G |FC|
It was the middle of the night
at the castle of the cats
when the silence was spoiled
by a loud crashing noise
Oh, an adept was drunk
fell from three flights of stairs
He missed a step like Durdin missed a threesome
Master Muire is standing
at the archery range
Teaching witcher adepts
How to use a bow
When they have a bad aim
She mocks them tenderly
(She says) You missed the target like Durdin missed a threesome
There are things that are bad
There are things that are worse
There are those considered
the worst of the worst
When you wake up too late
and they ate all the food
You missed breakfast like Durdin missed a threesome
There are times in the tavern
When you laugh and you drink
And you want to impress
So you tell a good joke
And then silence ensues
and you realise
They missed the point like Durdin missed a threesome
Sometimes you wake up
next to three unknown chaps
with a brand new tattoo
in a room you don’t know
Mead and vodka don’t mix
and you’re missing a bit
You missed a night like Durdin missed a threesome
(vocables verse)
and I miss a verse like Durdin missed a threesome
Summer evenings are perfect
For romancing and pleasure
When you walk with your sweetheart
To the bridge at the lake
As you are both charmed
by the milky white fog
(You think) It’s not „mist” as in Durdin mist a threesome
Tekst i muzyka Barbara Karlik CC-BY-SA
Stworzone na larpii Witcher School international sezon 3 odcinek 3. Inspiracją był Durdin oraz inni adepci i adeptki, którzy z radością podrzucili pomysły na inne rzeczy, które mogły kogoś ominąć.