Once trapped by the king
In a golden cage
I sung my songs by the Fountain of Youth
I was bound with a rope
Made from unicorns mane
As I drank from the well at the dawning of day
I was enchanted
To be a willow tree
For loving too fiercely for little people’s tastes
I was the Phoenix’s tear
That could heal the king
A thread weaved into other people’s fates
I was hidden away
Inside the holy cup
I Lilith’s hands outstretched to you
I was made to exist
Beyond seventh wave
And only appear when the moon is full
I ran through the sky
At the end of the world
And was called by the chant „as above, so below”
I grew with the others
in the garden green
When he told us we were nothing like his rose
From the far-far-aways that I dreamt to be true
I am coming back again, to my home, to you
With love in your eyes
You hand me my skin
With trust in your smile
You open the door
I bid you good bye
And go to the sea
I leave you a kiss
Forever yours
From the far-far-aways that I dreamt to be true
I am coming back again, to my home, to you
With love in your eyes
You open the door
With trust in my eyes
I hand you my skin
I call upon
Our Fates entwined
A Selkie’s kiss
Forever yours
From the far-far-aways that I dreamt to be true
I am coming back again, to my home, to you
Dla Ł. Muzyka i tekst: Barbara Karlik CC-BY-SA 2012